Secret Sayings of Jesus

Secret Sayings of Jesus
Translated by Jay G. Williams

1 To the multitude I speak only in parables, for the world is drunk with its own importance, addicted to its own pride. Drunken understanding is worse than drunken ignorance.

2 To you I will explain everything, if you will but sober up.

3 Peter said, “How, Master, can I sober up? Show me the way.” Jesus said, “To be my disciple you must renounce everything. Cleanse your heart of the world and its cravings.”

4 Peter said, “Teacher, if I renounce everything, how can I live?” Jesus said, “What I ask is not a law, for no law can demand the impossible. Only the Spirit can achieve the impossible. The world tells us that complete renunciation is impossible, but consider the birds of the air. They have no regular employment or storage barns; yet they live more happily than we. Renunciation is a work of the Spirit that never ends; it is freedom from the craving of the world. It is a life of genuine simplicity. It is the disenchantment of the world. Renunciation is repentance. It is to turn around and go in exactly the opposite direction.”

5 Do not think that I come to teach you about the Eternal Source. The Source is beyond all understanding. To speak about the Source is to create an idol. I come to proclaim the kingdom. Nevertheless, to live in the kingdom is to be one with the Source.

6 James said, “May I help you to rule the kingdom?” Jesus said, “If you wish to rule, you are far from the kingdom and from me.”

7 The kingdom is like seeds sown upon the earth; if the earth is good, the seeds will sprout and grow.

8 The seed of the kingdom is within you. Nourish it.

9 Philip asked, “When will the kingdom come?” Jesus said, “When the time is full, the seed sprouts up and grows you know not how, but you will know when the harvest is ready. Only be sure that you water with care.”

10 Peter said, “Show us a sign that we may believe.” Jesus said, “The kingdom is its own sign. Do you not know that the deaf hear, the lame dance, and the blind receive their sight? Have you no eyes to see?”

11 Mary said, “I love you, Jesus.” Jesus said, “That is a good beginning; the kingdom is born from love.”

12 Recognize the kingdom where it is. It is in the eyes of every person you meet. If you see the kingdom in me, you will see it everywhere. If you see the kingdom in any face, then you will know me.

13 One day, as Jesus taught his disciples, Peter left to quiet children who were playing in the courtyard and disturbing his concentration. Jesus asked, “Where are you going?” Peter replied, “To make the children be quiet.” Jesus said, “Do not do that; let us go outside.” The children were playing a game, laughing and showing great delight. Jesus said, “Behold, the kingdom is like this, full of joy and gladness; let us join them.” And so Jesus and his disciples played with the children all that day.

14 Peter said, “Let us fast and punish our bodies so that the kingdom will come.” Jesus said, “Your body is the gift of our Mother. Treat your body with holiness and respect. It is not your body that causes your addiction; it is your psyche. Clean the inside of the cup; that is what matters.”

15 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. What other temple do you need?

16 Close the windows, shut the doors, keep the foolishness and violence of the world away. When your mind is free of foolishness and empties into the great Sea, then you will be close.

17 The disciples said, “Teach us how to pray.” Jesus replied, “Go into your inner room and close the door. Do not pray in public as the addicts do, for that is idolatry. Do not try to tell the Eternal Source what to do, for that is presumptuous. Just listen. Listen, I say, listen. Those who have ears let them hear.”

18 Peter asked, “How should we live? Teach us the Law.” Jesus said, “The law only cleans the outside of the cup but leaves the inside full of foul debris. If you think I have come with a new Law, you are wrong. The law was given for hardness of heart, and the wine of the kingdom dissolves the hardness.

19 The world’s addiction to the ego creates hearts of stone.

20 The world needs laws, for craving creates conflict, but when the kingdom comes, there is only the law of love. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is nothing more than is needed. To love your neighbor is to love the Eternal Source.”

21 Everything I say is of the kingdom, not of the Law. Sing and dance for the good news.

22 There once was a pearl merchant who sought the world’s most perfect pearl. He travelled the earth, enduring great perils and sufferings, but returned to his home tired, impoverished, and empty-handed. Then his wife discovered the pearl he sought for so long in the headband he had worn on his journey.

23 John said, “Teach us about the kingdom.” Jesus said, “Do not look for the kingdom as though it will appear in one place or another. The kingdom is here, now. Nevertheless, you must prepare for its wonderful appearance. It is like a flash of lightning that illumines all. So do not close your eyes, even for a moment. The kingdom is like the leading lady of the drama who waits in the wings for her cue. She is there, but you do not see her.”

24 The world is addicted, always craving, never satisfied. Because the world craves, there is suffering and violence and hate. Those who succeed in the world are the unhappiest of all.

25 Do not despise the world or its people; the seeds of the kingdom are everywhere. Delight in everything.

26 Peter said, “Some effeminate men wanted to see you but I sent them away.” Jesus said, “You were wrong to do that, Peter. Did I not tell you that the seeds of the kingdom are everywhere?” Peter replied, “But suppose they will not reform their ways?” Jesus said, “Think not of the faults of others, Peter. For no one has achieved true righteousness. Have more faith in the power of the kingdom. Therefore I say, do not judge others or censure them. Look only to your own craving.”

27 Nathaniel said, “Must we become celibates for the sake of the kingdom?” Jesus said, “No, sexual desire is a gift from our Mother, and we must give thanks for her gifts and use them wisely. Celibacy does not end the craving but only intensifies it. True marriage, however, is the reunification of Adam and is the great and holy Mystery. Only the Child of Adam enters the kingdom.”

28 I am the light that shines in the darkness, the light that enlightens every person. You have always known me, though today, in your blindness, you do not recognize me.

29 Only the naked should baptize the naked.

30 Running floodwaters of the earth and the unpredictable winds of heaven; a plunge of death into the waters, the fluttering of the dove: the Child of Adam is born.

31 Peter said, “Why do you allow women to follow you? Should not only men be disciples?” Jesus said, “Peter, Peter, are you so blind? Do you not see that the seeds of the kingdom are planted in both women and men and that in the kingdom there is no difference between them? We are all the union of male and female and therefore are in ourselves both male and female. Until you realize that, the kingdom will be far away. To remind you of your blindness, when I appear in glory, Mary shall see me first. She is my beloved disciple.”

32 The kingdom is agape manifest among us. It is the one great miracle. If you know agape, the kingdom comes.

33 Agape is not just feeling in the human heart, but grows among us. Act in agape; then there will be feeling.

34 Judas asked, “What should we do for the poor?” Jesus answered, “Love the poor, but do not pity them. They are much closer to the kingdom than are the rich. Do not think that the end of life is worldly goods. It is the things of the world that blind us to the kingdom. But feed the hungry and care for the suffering as you would care for your own mother or father or wife or friend. Watch for the kingdom, for it is there among the poor, the glories revealed among those without a dwelling, for the Child of Adam has nowhere to lay his head.”

35 Weep for the rich, for it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom.

36 The true gifts of the Magi I give you: compassion, simplicity, and dare not be first in the world.

37 The kingdom is like an ancient well flowing with living water. Draw up the water, and quench your thirst.

38 Trust in the kingdom. That is all that is needed.

39 From the Source flows the One and the One contains the Two. The Two give birth to the Third, who is the Child of Adam, and from the Three flow forth all things.

40 All flows creatively from the Source. When you create, the power of the Source is yours. Music, Poetry, Art are gifts from the Source.

41 John said, “Teach us about the Spirit.” Jesus said, “The Spirit is the kingdom made manifest. When the trees move their branches you know that the Spirit is there. The Spirit is your life. When you breathe, it is the Spirit that moves within you. When your breath flows perfectly with the Spirit, you are in the kingdom. Watch your breath.”

42 Our enemies surround us and want to destroy the kingdom. How shall we fight against our enemies? Shall we take up arms?” Jesus said, “Love your enemies; do good to those who misuse you, for in them dwells also the kingdom. And forgive, always forgive.” “But,” said James, “suppose that they should kill us?” Jesus replied, “No one can kill the kingdom for it has been from the beginning and will be until the end. As for the rest, it is mortal and will return to the Mother. Do not cling to life. Life and death are twin sisters who can never be separated. Death too is a blessing. But enter the kingdom where there is eternal life.

43 In all things be mindful.

44 John asked, “Is my soul immortal? Will I go to heaven?” Jesus said, “Your psyche is a function of your body, and like your body will return to dust. But the kingdom of light is everlasting. Enter the kingdom of light and find eternal peace.”

45 I will die and on the third day burst forth again from the tomb. The kingdom of light can be hidden for a time, but cannot be destroyed. Not by the so-called religious authorities, not by the great world empires. If you trust in the kingdom, you will not fear death.

46 Peter said, “I hope and pray you will not die.” Jesus said, “If you wish to enter the kingdom you must die, for new life comes only from death. Peter, all component parts decay. Even your psyche will crumble into dust. But if your trust is into the light, you will rest in the light. Like me, you will burst forth again from the tomb. For the light is eternal.”

47 Judas said, “Teacher, the prophets taught us that the Eternal demands justice for all. Should we not organize to fight against injustice in our world? Jesus said, “Agape demands justice in the world and woe to the poor person who does not seek to right the wrongs among people. But agape also knows that justice without the kingdom is hollow and unstable. In this world of craving, injustice will always reign because craving demands injustice. To think that there can be true justice without the coming of the kingdom is an illusion.”

48 The kingdom comes from the glory of the Eternal, Incomprehensible Source.

49 Judas said, “Let us organize ourselves with the chief and lieutenants, so that our movement may be more effective.” Jesus said, “Agape does not hold to order. The more you organize, the more your organization will become but one more institution of craving. Soon you will have some men ruling over others. Some will be forced to bow to their masters. There will be ordinances and taboos. People will begin to think that faith is just subscribing to a set of ideas and the kingdom will become a fossil to be put on the shelf along with all other ancient doctrines. Then there will be persecutions and wars carried out in my name as the blind lead the blind into disaster. No, Judas, call no person Father or Rabbi or the Reverend or your Holiness. All of this comes from the craving of the world, and will only end in violence and disorder. The kingdom comes as a miracle and miracles cannot be contained.”

50 When you meet as friends, love one another. Celebrate agape.

51 Proclaim the good news of the eternal kingdom but think not of proselytes. The kingdom will provide the miracle.

52 Do not think that a tribe or nation or empire can become the kingdom, for the kingdom will grow when and where it wills. Nothing will impede the kingdom more than a nation of addicts pretending to be the kingdom.

53 I looked and I saw a great beast rising out of the earth, devouring everyone in its path. Great was its pride and great its claims to truth. To those whom it enticed it offered holy feelings and future hopes, but it attacked the very kingdom it proclaimed. Those who were devoured seldom returned. The name of the beast was the Holy Church.

54 Keep my teachings secret; cast no pearls before the swine, lest the great beast overhear the word and destroy.

55 To live in the kingdom is to laugh and be glad. There is no soberness in the realm of light; it is freedom, hope, and joy.

56 I do not come to judge the world or anyone in it. I come to reveal the light of the kingdom. Those who turn from the light and seek the darkness condemn themselves and enter the darkness. Those who seek the light are of the light. Trust in the light and the healing is yours.

57 Do not judge others. If they seek the darkness, that is their danger, their woe. But trust the light and it will grow into a great flame. Let your light shine before all people that they may see and trust also.

58 James said, “There are other teachers in other lands who offer wisdom to the world. How should we think of them?” Jesus said, “The seeds of the kingdom are everywhere. Do not think of the kingdom as your personal possession. My light is to be found everywhere in the world, and many are those who have found me. But beware the influence of humanity’s dark craving. Traditions of humanity are few that have not become corrupted by the craving. But where there is light, rejoice in it.”

59 One night Jesus gathered those he taught and led them to an inner room set apart. There, at the meal, he took a loaf of bread and broke it before them. “This bread,” he said, “is a gift from the Mother of us all. Together we partake of her substance. This loaf also comes from the sunlight of the Father’s heavenly realm, now broken that we may become one in the heavenly light. Together we share the bread of heaven and earth, the kingdom of love is among us; this is my body.”

60 The kingdom does not belong to individuals. It becomes manifest in agape shared. Therefore the loaf must be broken so that agape may be known in the sharing.

61 Jesus also took a cup of wine, rich in aroma and body, and he said, “This wine is a gift from our Mother to make glad the hearts of humans, so that we may know joy and peace. It is likewise a gift from the sun from the Father’s heavenly realm. It reminds us of the great transformation which the light and love of the kingdom bring. This is my blood poured out. In the world, wine may bring drunkenness; here one finds the kingdom.”

62 I am the True Light, glowing from the Eternal Source. Cleave the wood, I am there; lift the stone, I am there.

63 Jesus asked of Mary, “What shall you do when I return from the dead?” Mary said, “If you were to return from the dead I would observe awestruck silence, and speak to no one about it.” Jesus said, “You have learned well, Mary. You shall be my apostle.”

64 Have you not heard that it was said of old, “those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak?”

65 Peter said, “But we must say something. How can we proclaim the good news if we can say nothing?” Jesus smiled, but did not speak. Then he led his disciples in the Circular Dance of Joy, that they danced until the dawn.

66 Jesus hung upon the Tree of Life. He chanted the ancient psalms as blood dripped from his hands and feet. He spoke words of peace to those who had run away in fear. He encouraged and forgave. The earth trembled and the heavens grew dark. The Mother sobbed and the Father mourned. But in the midst of the trembling there was serenity; in the midst of darkness there was tremendous light streaming from every pore of his body, radiating to every corner of the earth. In death, life is born; in darkness, there is a dawning.

67 Death came, the tomb was made ready and then, after the burial, sealed. But nothing can hold the light. At any moment it can burst forth with an unimaginable radiance. And it does.

68 And you must die. Your craving, born of your prideful ego, must perish. Your death, like that of Jesus, will be dreadfully painful, for the addiction is so intense and has gone on so long. Earth will tremble and Heavens will grow dark before the veil is rent, the Holy of Holies is revealed, and the light, the eternal light, begins to shine.

69 The Well, the Water, and the Drink of Eternity: the three are one.

70 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In every part of the world those who know, know me. I am the wise man’s treasure, and the lost man’s refuge.

71 To you I leave the gifts of the Spirit: agape, simplicity and peace. The kingdom of light is here. It is time to rejoice.

72 Take care to whom these words are given, for those of the world will laugh and deride and then use them for their own worldly ends. Hide my secrets until the time is fulfilled. Beware the beast.

Si tu étais sincère...

Si tu étais sincère...
Faouzi Skali

Tu l’as compris, ô ami, le secret de cette voie est celui de la sincérité. Mais c’est aussi un secret difficile à saisir!

« La sincérité est un secret parmi Mes secrets que Je dépose dans le cœur de celui que J’aime parmi Mes serviteurs. Il n’est pas d’ange ni de démon qui puisse le découvrir pour le consigner ou l’altérer » (Hadîth Qudsî).

La sincérité, ô ami, consiste en ce que l’envol de ton intention ne se porte que vers ton Seigneur. Mais il est bien vrai qu’il faut longtemps œuvrer avant d’obtenir cette grâce. Car dans ton cœur il est bien d’autres regards, tant de faux dieux pour lesquels tu cherches à t’embellir. Tu perds une énergie et un temps précieux alors même que tu crois bien agir.

« Le polythéisme caché est telle une fourmi noire sur une pierre noire par une nuit noire » (Hadîth).

Ce défaut de sincérité, ô ami, fait de toi une ombre. Tu ne vis plus que pour l’image de toi-même. Quel étrange spectacle que celui d’un homme conduit par son ombre! Lève donc les yeux vers le soleil de l’Être et comprends la source de la vérité et de l’illusion. Ne reste pas prisonnier des regards de ce monde.

« Tel l’âne de la meule dont le point d’arrivée est aussi celui du départ, ne voyage pas d’une créature à l’autre... » (Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah).

Cette voie, ô ami, ne te coupe pas pourtant des créatures. C’est parce qu’elle t’en libère que tu peux mieux les aimer et les servir. Elles sont certes un voile suprême pour celui qui voyage vers la Réalité mais elles en sont aussi une porte d’accès. Celui qui est dans la voie de la sincérité aime les créatures pour elles-mêmes. Celui qui vit pour son image aime les créatures pour lui-même.
     La sincérité est l’esprit et le souffle de chacun de tes actes :

« Les œuvres sont des formes mortes, seul le secret de la sincérité y insuffle la vie » (Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah).

Tiré de Traces de lumière (1996)